Thermomagnetic M edical D evice HEMOTON Hemorrhoid Treatment It is used in medical institutions, in the practice of a family doctor and at home on the recommendation of a doctor. At home, the device should be used to treat diseases that are not accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane. Indications for use: Chronic hemorrhoids Anal fissures; In the postoperative period after excision of anal fissures, fistulas of the rectum, hemorrhoids. The principle of therapeutic action The device, due to the action of heat and a pulsed magnetic field, accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation in tissues, helps to reduce pain, eliminate the inflammatory process, and heal wounds. Parameter Value Amplitude value of magnetic induction, mT 0.2-4 The duration of the procedure, min 30±10% Operating temperature of the working body, ° С 30-43 Service life, not less than, years 3 1. The device provides continuous operation for 8:00 in the repeated – short-term mode: operation for no more than 30 minutes. With a subsequent break of at least 10 minutes 2. The device is operable when powered from an alternating current main with a frequency of (50 ± 0.5) Hz with a voltage of 220V with a deviation of the supply voltage by ± 22V from the nominal value. The device complies with the requirements of state standards for medical devices and has a certificate of compliance with the technical regulations on medical devices. Attention!!! Only for 220V. For USA and Canada, you need to use a voltage converter from 110V to 220V Average shipping times: USA 2 - 5 weeks EU 1 - 4 weeks Worldwide shipping with Tracking number Thanks for Looking! See my other items!